ติดฟิล์มลามิน่า บูสต์ชีวิตให้เป็น 1 กับโลกดิจิทัล - Boost Up your Life
Building Film
Solar Tinted Film
Safety Building Film
Decorative Film
Pet Friendly Film
Estimate Building Film Price
Automotive Window Film
Window film
EV Boost
EVS Boost
Ceramatrix Boost
CM ONE Boost
Ceramic Onyx Boost
Ceramic Iris Boost
Mystery Boost
Special Boost
Executive Boost
Genius Boost
Pop Boost
Safety Film
Ceramatrix Safety

Film for your beloved pets’ health and well-being
One of the most cherished members of our family is our beloved pets, known for their cuteness, innocence, and honesty. They never fail to bring a smile to our faces, no matter how often we see them. Ensuring both our pets' and our own well-being is crucial for their longevity and happiness. Now, you can rest assured that sun damage is no longer a concern for your pets. Introducing the latest Lamina Buddy Series, designed for houses and condos, this film offers four unparalleled qualities that no other film in Thailand provides, effectively preventing health issues for your pets.

Reduce glare  
Cats and dogs have Rod Photoreceptors four to eight times more than humans, which enhances their night vision but also makes them prone to glare. If your home consistently experiences glare, it could potentially damage your pets' eyes. By choosing the Lamina Buddy Series, you prevent any long-term damage to your beloved pets.

UV protection   
Did you know that cats and dogs have fewer Cone Photoreceptors than humans? This means they can only see yellow, gray, and blue hues (similar to red-green color blindness). UV radiation levels peak in sunlight between 9:00 and 15:00, potentially harming pets who gaze at outdoor landscapes for extended periods. Installing the Lamina Buddy Series can significantly reduce the harmful UV rays that can affect your pets' eyes.

High heat protection   
These days, under sunlight, there's an increasing amount of heat waves each year due to global warming, causing dogs and cats to encounter more skin diseases. Heat waves can damage Langerhans Cell which help enhancing your pets’ immunity system. The damage can trigger Solar Dermatitis on the nose, abdomen, back, ears, and lips, leading to scabs, inflammation, itching, infection, and potentially skin cancer. The Lamina Buddy Series offers high heat protection, safeguarding your furry friends' skin from heat waves while maintaining moisture, even in air-conditioned rooms.

Clear vision  
Allowing our beloved pets to regularly view natural scenery for at least 1-2 hours a day can help reduce stress and enhance their happiness beyond merely keeping them indoors or behind closed curtains. This positively influences their mental health and mood, significantly increasing their responsiveness to owner commands.

Lamina Buddy Series Specifications
Films Visible Light Transmission (VLT) Reflection Total Solar Energy
Rejection (TSER)
UV Rejected
Buddy 30 29% 10% 55% 99%
Buddy 20 21% 11% 58% 99%
Buddy 05 7% 9% 65% 99%
Buddy 30
Visible Light Transmission (VLT) 29%
Reflection 10%
Total Solar Energy Rejection (TSER) 55%
UV Rejected 99%
Buddy 20
Visible Light Transmission (VLT) 21%
Reflection 11%
Total Solar Energy Rejection (TSER) 58%
UV Rejected 99%
Buddy 05
Visible Light Transmission (VLT) 7%
Reflection 9%
Total Solar Energy Rejection (TSER) 65%
UV Rejected 99%
Buddy 30
Buddy 20
Buddy 05
