How to push the car effectively
Have you ever tried to push the car which is blocking your driveway by using your two bare hands? I can tell you that this way is super energy-consuming because it use all of your power up from your shoulder to your arm and to your hands
If, in case it is for a small car, it may work out but what about a big car? Like a pick-up or SUV it may run out all of your energy..
Then, which way is the best?? Let’s check below!
1. Change your posture, turn your back against the car whether in front of your car or at the back
2. Place your butt on the car but not to sit on it
3. Lean your back and butt against your car
4. Then, use your legs and hip to push the car, using each leg power while you are walking just like when people push something backward
You can use this trick next time when you find some cars blocking your way. It can save a lot of your energy while it is also super-easy to push the car
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