Set a target of 2 years, pushing the company Strong growth soared to sales of over 1,000 million baht, Under the leading global brand that has the right to distribute Both optical film Glass film Luggage And innovative automotive protective coatings And high-end car speakers, sonic design. Miss Chanapa Saisom, Chief Executive Officer Revealed after taking office Set goals within 2 years will push the technological growth to leapfrog. With a vision of being an importer organization And distributes professional automotive innovations in the Asian region, With confidence that will be able to drive the organization to grow steadily and sustainably. Strong business expansion in Thailand and into the CLMV countries ![]() Nowadays, the market has higher competition. As the number 1 market leader in window film in Thailand, it is ready to bring the organization to a new vision that is International Organization 4.0 manages and organizes the organization to be as standard as world-class international organizations. By mainly based on the needs of customers.
The company has opened a new marketing communication department under the name Spark IMC to focus on the communication to all target groups 360 ° by integrating advertising units. Promote online public relations And special events In one To increase the power of communication multiply to consumers in the era Multi-Channel More efficiently. The company expects that in the year 2018, sales will be 850 million baht, which is 95% of the income from income and 5% from other businesses, which is an increase of more than 10% from last year and is confident that by 2020 Can definitely generate sales of 1,000 million baht. Lamina Film, the highest quality heat protection film from the United States Expert in all types of solar filters Including car film, building film, safety film and car paint protection film Recognized as the number 1 filter film leader. Watch car film Car window film atฟิล์มกรองแสงติดรถยนต์ Or choose to watch the Building film or Building thermal film atฟิล์มกรองแสงติดอาคาร Or follow more news at Facebook : For more information, please contact 0 2885 2500 Call Center 0 2422 2345 |